
A No-BS approach to skyrocket your health and body composition through foods you actually love

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We Accept: HRAs, FSAs, and HSAs


Before & After


“I didn’t know where to begin when it came to food. I didn’t normally think about what I was eating and the effect it was having on my body. Jordan was so helpful in teaching me how I can live and enjoy good food and still see results! I’m almost at my goal and the exciting thing is that I know how to get there by not starving myself! I’m a busy mom and the changes I’ve made have been good for the whole family. This is the first time I’ve lost weight and been able to keep it off and I’m forever grateful to the AngryNutritonGuy for all of his help and advice along the way. The programs are money well spent! Believe me – if I can do it, anyone can!”

Jenn S.

“Where to begin? I was at the heaviest weight I had ever been, had tried every diet, workout program, shakes, the works. I spent so much time and money on things that were short term fixes or just didn’t work at all. When I was introduced to Jordan I was at my lowest point. When we spoke he told me to trust him. TRUST HIM?? How could I after all the other things I invested and trusted in? But I decided this would be my last attempt. 3 months later…I am so unbelievably thankful for having been given the opportunity to work with Jordan. He was available for me when I had question, he actually educated me on what my body needs, how to be able to be healthy and lose weight even when life is happening. I never felt like I was missing out on anything or sacrificing something. Jordan truly understood that I love food and I didn’t want to eat steamed vegetables for every meal. He created the most tasty food options for me, but made sure to listen to my likes, dislikes, and dietary restrictions! I am so happy with my results and I know they will only continue from here! I am officially down 20 lbs! I lost 3 inches in my chest, 3.5 inches in my things, 2 inches in my arms, and 4.5 inches in my waist! I feel confident in my body and my clothes again!. Thank you so much Jordan for helping me through my journey!”


“I am so angry that we aren’t educated in our schools and given the tools to know whats best for our bodies.  I hate that the FDA approves things that are not food.  Our country is terribly lacking in knowledge and education and its killing us.  I am so glad my son is in exercise science and nutrition, and that my family listens to what I tell them to eat (for the most part).  But so many people just don’t know and your symbol and mission are such a no nonsense, clear cut way to be enjoyably healthy for a lifetime!”


“For years I have worked out rigorously never getting the results I expected. I lived the Paleo lifestyle…I’m 5’6” and was at decent weight of 142, size 6/8, and about 19% body fat. I was so concerned about my number…But I wanted my muscles to show! I learned you need balanced macros and Paleo living is not easy to balance. Once I got on Jordan’s 12 week program I truly learned how to achieve the results that I was looking for. I’m currently 128.6, size 4, 13% body fat, NEVER hungry, and I am in control. When I say “in control” I really mean control. I am Jordan’s weekend warrior. I am a mom of 2. The running around that comes along with that is…CRAZY. I like dates with my husband, ladies night out, and I like to enjoy meals with family and friends. I am able to enjoy all of those things without guilt/worry/or repurcussion because of Jordan’s help and teachings. I leanred how to prepare for that dinner date and glass of wine or two. Knowledge is key. If you have the keys, you can open the door to your personal goals.  I promise you.”

Sincerely, Mom of 2, Adrienne

June 2018

Beth C.

I can’t thank you enough for all you have done for me. Down 15lbs and we are not done yet!!!

 Bill M.

“Before using Jordan I thought I was doing everything right. I was doing the traditional bodybuilding diet, but I couldn’t lose the weight or get my body fat down no matter what I ate or how much cardio I did. But after Jordan’s plan I was able to lose 18 pounds in just 6 weeks and get the body I wanted with little to no cardio too.”

Connie M.

You can eat anything you want–not as much as you want or as often as you want–but enough that you won’t feel deprived as you lose weight. You can plan your day’s or week’s menu to accommodate special events. And if you stick to the plan, you will lose the weight.

There are no meetings to attend or public weigh-ins to endure, but there is plenty of support from Jordan, Kristen, and the ANG army. There are not prepackaged meals to buy. You can have Jordan plan your meals for you, or just give you guidelines to follow as you plan your own. Either way, your meals will consist of foods you enjoy eating. You learn to make healthy choices which will keep you satisfied. You will learn what kind of gimmick foods to avoid.

When you are finished with the program and have achieved your goal weight, you have the tools to stay there. And if you do fall off the wagon (for instance that dream vacation where you overindulge), you will know how to get right back into a routine that will take off anything extra you put on and then stay on track. No more yo-yo dieting. Just the satisfaction of being lean and healthy.

Wellness Plans fat loss

Marie S.

“I have always been an avid exerciser – I enjoy it so much, it’s been part of my life for 10 years. I love lifting weights but not cardio as much as I should. Unfortunately I never really got my nutrition to align with my love of exercise. In the past I tried counting calories and the colored container eating plans, but couldn’t sustain it and then just relied on exercise to help keep the pounds off. But I got fed up with my eating being “out of control” and lacking any real nutritional value. When I went to see Jordan this past January I wanted to learn how to eat healthy and we set a goal weight of 160 pounds. For other women that might sound like a lot, but to me, at 5’8″, it was right. I don’t like to be “skinny” and Jordan completely understood what I was saying. And the best part was he said I can do it without doing any cardio! Following this way of eating has changed my life. I lost 13 pounds, winding up at 158 in early April. I no longer feel like food is a mental battle and don’t feel deprived. I have even learned how to eat the right things now without tracking macros and keep the weight off. The way I view food has completely changed for the better! I am good at reading nutrition labels in the grocery store and I know what to order when I go out to eat. I never feel deprived because this is a lifestyle change and I’ve learned when something is worth splurging on and when it’s not. Even if I haven’t had the best day of eating I am always ready to start fresh the next day because it’s part of my life. Jordan is so kind, helpful, and knowledgeable- it’s the best investment I’ve made in my health!”


Jordan went above and beyond the call of duty. I came to him lost, wanting to lose a few pounds with no clue where to start. He made it simple, effective and most importantly, enjoyable. Anytime I had a question, large or small he was there to answer it. I lost over 30 pounds in only 3 months and like he promises, he gave me the tools to keep it off. I have even continued to lose after our time working together because of the skills Jordan’s program taught me. It will be the best investment you ever make when it comes to your health and nutrition education.

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Stay up to date with our nutrition news, tips, and transformations! As a special thank you, you’ll receive a FREE copy of our Low Calorie Favorites ebook!